wow, i can really waste time very effectively.
i just realised, i've been in the library since 115, and i've not done anything constructive. damn it. i can start doing my tute for math1005 and comp2600. i can start doing my assignment for comp3410. i can start looking at my practs for comp2720 and comp 3410. but i'm not. i'm on facebook. i'm on restaurant city. i'm reading. i'm blogging. i'm knitting. i'm daydreaming. and doing everything else but work. and if i'm back at the hall i'm doing the same exact thing. except add to that list, i'll be watching movies as well. damn it damn it damn it!!
i made a promise to myself, to not get involved in relationships and i intend to go through with this promise. relationships are so complicating. and i dun really need that complicatiion at this point of time. but then on the other hand, i so desperately want someone to love me. someone i can really love back truly. i dun want those where u think u might like someone and then get together and see if it works out. i've tried that a couple of times and it failed causing one or another to hurt like hell. why put ourselves thru this? when u know it will never work out. it's not a matter of self-fulfilling thing. i tried, i really did. but how did it work out? nada. -sigh- i'll stop now. it's driving me crazy.
i realised that in the 6 yrs we've known each other, despite being such close frens, we've never taken a picture together. no picture of u to paste on my wall? how many times have i picked up the phone about to dial ur number or start a msg just to say hi cuz i missed talking to u? i miss u a lot dear friend. we havent talked a good long while ever since u got a girlfriend. how will things work out when we get older and you get married? how will it go when we go about our seperate lives? will our frenship fade away? i've lost someone close to me before, i dun want it to happen again.
alright. shall try to do some work before i get carried away again. lol.